Heutagogy & Andragogy


The linked article discusses two terms that were new to me – Andragogy [refers to (the theory, method & practice of) adult education] and Heutagogy. It’s titled “Heutagogy and Lifelong Learning: A Review of Heutagogical Practice and Self-Determined Learning” by Lisa Marie Blaschke [I found it via a link on spigot (produced by the Digital Media & Learning Research Hub)]. Excerpted from the abstract:

Heutagogy, a form of self-determined learning with practices and principles rooted in andragogy, has recently resurfaced as a learning approach after a decade of limited attention. In a heutagogical approach to teaching and learning, learners are highly autonomous and self-determined and emphasis is placed on development of learner capacity and capability with the goal of producing learners who are well-prepared for the complexities of today’s workplace. … [T]his article defines and discusses the concepts of andragogy and heutagogy and describes the role of Web 2.0 in supporting a heutagogical learning approach. Examples of institutional programs that have incorporated heutagogical approaches are also presented; based on these examples and research results, course design elements that are characteristic of heutagogy are identified. …

[Note: The page for the abstract has links to the full text of the article as HTML, PDF, MP3 and ePub.]

[from Table 1: andragogy: self-directed learning, linear, getting students to learn (content); heutagogy: self-determined learning, non-linear design & learning approach, getting students to understand how they learn (process)]

A section titled “Heutagogy as an Extension of Andragogy” begins with “The heutagogical approach can be viewed as a progression from pedagogy to andragogy to heutagogy, with learners likewise progressing in maturity and autonomy (Canning, 2010, see Figure 2). …” and contains the following graph.

Figure 2

 Education 3.0

Here’s an article that relates the top of this hierarchy to “Education 3.0“:
Education 3.0 and the Pedagogy (Andragogy, Heutagogy) of Mobile Learning which includes this comparison:


It then broadens the discussion. “Even though heutagogy is usually defined and described for adult learners, … learners as young as the elementary level have the potential to engage in educational experiences based on heutagogy [my emphasis]. In other words, they can engage in self-determined and self-driven learning where they are not only deciding the direction of their learning journey but they can also produce content that adds value and worth to the related content area or field of study.” The author then gives examples of using mobile technology in each framework – pedagogy, andragogy (project-based learning), heutagogy.

Community of Practice

There’s a site devoted to Heutagogy Community of Practice (Advancing the Theory and Practice of Self-Determined Learning), which has pages for a definition of and perspectives on (a blog about) heutagogy.

Another related article is “Heutagogy: designing for self-directed learners“.

Other “…agogy” words

From linkbacks to one of the sites I reference, I found “Learning-agogy Overload” and “From Pedagogy to Communagogy and Everything in Between“. Both share terms that get at more nuance in exploring ways people learn.

About Sigurd

Moved to rural Vermont in 1998, semi-retired as of 2018.
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